Monday, March 24, 2008

This just in - Amazing Easter Awesomeness!

There are few things that rank higher in my book than a good dinner with great friends. Last night both were provided in ample proportions by our gracious host Amber.
Not that we needed reminding, but Amber showed us yet again that she's no slouch when it comes to setting the scene for a feast.

Check out that attention to detail! Personalized place cards and hand wrapped candy eggs.
Pretty soon the guests began to arrive. Most of the usual suspects were there, and I have a feeling that by the end of today, this is going to be one of the most publicized Easter dinners in all of Manhattan. Just a guess.
In a stroke of synergistic brilliance, Jeff has the other half of this shot over at his blog.
J. Lindsay Clark acting the part.
The last time I posted a photo of Mr. and Mrs. Mulcock, it was not without a bit of protest. Thankfully, Mrs. Mulcock is the forgiving sort. At her request, I snapped this photo.
Caitlin was the only one who actually asked to be photographed, and so I must ask the indulgence of everyone else for sticking my camera lens in their faces. Sorry folks, it's becoming something of a habit. Thankfully, I wasn't the only shutterbug there.
It had been so long since I'd seen Pamela, that I just had to get a shot in. I ended up pretty happy with the results, but then again, I had a lot to work with. I'm voting this to be the best Pamela/Brigham shot ever!
Jeff was apparently stoned.
Brittany was shocked. It began to feel like an After-School special there for a moment.
Michael, showing us all the effect a proper Easter shirt can have on one's ego.
A wild Stephoin, hiding amongst the daffodils.
Collin, enjoying Brigham's much lauded spicy nuts.
When I took the first photo of the Mulcocks, I had hoped to catch some genuine laughter. Thankfully, Collin was around, which made my job much easier.
All in all, the evening was a gigantic success. The food was amazing and there's really nothing like spending an evening with so many good people. Thanks so much to everyone who made it possible!


Side of Jeffrey said...

I don't know how, but one of those pictures made me look fat. Must have been the ridiculously amazing dinner.

Bilaeva said...

I love how you've captured Mike!

Lambini said...

insert me to the left of brittany, i was there too!

Scrumpestuous D said...

Absolutely! I really like the last photo of your sis and cuz. Thanks for having us all over!

Lexia said...

I want that camera.

Scrumpestuous D said...

Lexia, you could always give me a good reason to borrow it, if you catch my drift. Wink, wink.