Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday

Breaking news: Romney wins Utah. Shocker.


Bilaeva said...

I'm voting Monster Raving Looney Party. They're real - http://www.omrlp.com/

Kimberly said...

The other shocker? Romney is out. I have to admit I'm kind of sad about this. I don't like McCain, and I sure as heck don't like Hillary. I'm confused now.:(

Scrumpestuous D said...

As are many other conservatives. This one's going to be interesting.

The Shark said...

I'm writing in "A Well-Bred Dog" on my ballot, because let's face it, he wouldn't be the most proactive president but I'd probably agree with more of his decisions. (or "her" decisions; I suppose I'm willing to go a little more to the left on this one)

In actuality this sentiment probably wouldn't have changed TOO much if Romney had stayed in.