Monday, February 25, 2008

Post Oscars Thought

From the desk in my room, I can see 3 movie posters: Vertigo, From Russia With Love and Octopussy. I'm noticing a progression in these posters: the newer the poster, the more information. The Vertigo poster is minimal with its info. Actors, director, screenplay and music. Fast forward 5 years to From Russia, and you add producers. Here's an example from 2007. You can see some significant poster inflation.

These people work very hard to bring us entertainment, and I know if it were me, I'd be thrilled to have my name on something everyone could see. But posters are advertisement, and as such, I ask the question - Has anyone in the general public ever decided to see a movie based off of, say, who the music supervisor is? How about because you like the producer? I ask in the spirit of curiosity - this isn't some kind of Seinfeldian rant. Comment away.


Side of Jeffrey said...

Everyone does - why do you think they say things like "from the Producers of Lost" or "from the people that brought you The Matrix" in commercials now?

Scrumpestuous D said...

Great point. Producers selling themselves on the sly.

The Shark said...

The only movies I've gone to see based of the titles of certain people involved have been based on directors, actors, producers, and writers, I think. I'm wondering if I should try looking at things that involve specific directors of photography, though -- I think that would open my eyes to interesting trends.

Don said...

I was sorely disappointed with the Oscars. Am I the only one???

The Shark said...

Don... I wasn't, because I don't expect the Oscars to be anything more than they actually are: a total sham, a tool used by corporate Hollywood to market their films and tell us what they want us to watch.

Once upon a time I believe the awards were genuine. Now it's just silly.