Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Taco del Mar... where all the Sith Lords eat

So, last when when I was at home, my kid sister and I went for Super Burritos at our local Taco del Mar. Mmmm... if you ever have the chance you should try it. On our way out, my sister noticed that someone standing in line behind us was wearing this shirt:

And guess what? I was wearing that very same shirt. I'm guessing the burritos have a high midi-chlorian count. Good thing he didn't see me, though. That would've been embarrassing.

Did I mention how good these burritos are? Check it out:
They don't give you many chips, but you really don't need them. You see that thing below the chips? That's a quarter. It's there to give you a sense of how massively awesome this burrito is. Both are shiny, but only one is tasty.
I added this photo in case the quarter didn't convince you how awesome the Super Burrito is.

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