So, as some of you may know, I recently returned from a trip to Seattle. The excuse for the visit was the wedding of one of my former roommates, but the real reason was to see my family (sorry Casey!). So, after all the festivities were over, my Dad, Nephew and I headed to Washington Park Arboretum for a little bit of kayaking.

Up ahead in the red kayak is my Dad, and my 14-year-old nephew is in the blue kayak. I have to apologize for the pitiful quality of these pictures. I didn't want to risk getting my camera wet, so I used my phone. Oh, I'm in the yellow kayak, by the way. You're going to see a lot of that in the photos.

As you can see here, lily pads help to form little "roads" in the lake close to the shore. Of course, you can also be like my nephew...

... and go "offroading." What a dork.

Actually, from the looks of things, I'm the bigger dork.

Here's a more open view of the lake. Maybe you noticed the bridge in the right of the photo. It's one of the two bridges that crosses the lake into Seattle.

You can actually go under the bridge, which is kind of a weird experience when you realize that very heavy cars are zooming a couple of feet over your head at freeway speed. Yay engineering!

This bridge doesn't feel so strange to go under.

In the distance, Husky Stadium at UW.

When we go out, we usually see a lot of turtles, but not that day. All we saw were flocks and flocks of ducks. They're almost impossible to hit with a kayak.