Tuesday, August 21, 2007

You're gonna want to ride this bus

Hello folks! Greetings from the AIDS Vaccine meeting! I just wanted to fire off a little post between talks to tell you one of the coolest things that I have learned (and don't worry, it has nothing to do with the conference).

So, I've been riding the bus in to Seattle from my parents house, and not only is it much more comfortable than the NYC buses, but it is much more technologically savvy. That's because the bus that I ride has Wi-Fi. Pretty cool, eh? I'm guessing it's some kind of satellite connection, but I really don't know. Perhaps tomorrow on the way to the conference I'll post from the bus. Well, that's about it for now. Back to the long, boring talks...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome, wifi on the bus?! thats cool. now lets get some new posts! is that rude? i'm still learning blog etiquette. am i aloud to request a new post?