Friday, June 27, 2008

Two Scoops!

Of late, my good buddy Jared has had a link to this as a part of his gchat status message. The following is the log of a conversation we had regarding the aforementioned link. Hopefully, you'll laugh. I sure did.

Dave: Yeah, so how pissed do you think their boss was when they found out they turned the freaking boat around for a box of cereal? "Next time guys, take the box with you."

Jared: I've wondered about that. But if you pause the video at 23 seconds, you'll see just how much they were craving the Raisin Bran. I'm sure the boss would understand if he could see their faces.

Dave: Maybe seeing those faces will make him realize what a bunch of wusses he hired

Jared: They're probably his sons.

Dave: actually, the guys face at 23 seconds make me think that the bran is just finally kicking in.

Jared: Ha ha! That's a very good possibility.

Dave: I was crying I thought that was so funny. Also, I love this comment: "I remember this from my childhood, but I never listened to the lyrics thoroughly. "This tugboat crew has a plan...?" That is so random. Imagine the ad guys sitting around a table with the jingle-writer (like Charlie from Two and a Half Men) saying, "How can we get a story into 30 seconds? How about a tugboat crew?!" Perfect!" Seriously, what is the plan?

Jared: To eat Raisin Bran. Then work. But they abandoned their plan in favor of eating more Raisin Bran.

Dave: I don't see that as a very good business model


Side of Jeffrey said...

Don't mock my craft bitches.

Scrumpestuous D said...

Aww... don't be a hater JayMoo. We know you can come up with better things than a tug boat crew.

Side of Jeffrey said...

Okay, I admit...those idiots really stretched the limits of what is acceptible advertising and what is just plain moronic.