Friday, May 05, 2006

Anybody Know What This Is About?

I remember seeing this video when I was a freshman in college and thinking that it was a hilarious commentary on politics, etc. Well, I recently rewatched it and I have no idea what is going on. Are the Russians Invading? Are they coming to the West for refuge? Are really going to have to wear those rediculous costumes in the future? In order to find some answer to this madness, I am proposing a contest for the best explanation for this video. Please post you theories in the comments. There will be some sort of prize (probably my respect, possibly a Kit-Kat) for the winner. You know, you might as well try, the odds are pretty good that you will win since tons of people read my blog... Just click to play!


WarriorWife said...

The wife beater ballet men want to teach the sickly out of style yellow uniform robots some heightened fashion sense in preparation for the foreseen Ulitmately Strange Solar Eclipse (notice they are already wearing their "special" sunglasses).

But then the stars get jealous and it's a fight refereed by the current tyrant of the times--the re-statue of liberty.

And in the end it's all about the paper birds--the actual rulers of the earth who fly away laughing at the lack of form in the stiff-kneed soldiers.

(if you can't tell, I watched the whole thing without sound...)

Scrumpestuous D said...

Wow... you had the patience to sit through it without sound?

Anonymous said...

It's about the obvious superiority of communism over capitalism. How did these guys know back when this video was made that communism would take over the world?