Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Random bites

Two things:

#1: Last night I saw a man speaking in Japanese to his dog. My initial thought: "Silly man, dogs don't speak Japanese!" And the follow up, "Silly David, Japanese dogs speak Japanese." I am such an idiot.

#2: My mom (a lifelong Republican) has just informed me that my uncle (also a Republican) has found the genealogical line connecting their side of the family to Barak Obama. Not what he was looking for, I can assure you. I'm waiting for the data before I put my skepticism away on this one.


Bilaeva said...

Last year of college I would speak Czech to our cat Audrey. Cats are perfect to practice your languages on, because you know the little blighters aren't listening to a word you say.

The Shark said...

I'm going to give you another whammy: dogs don't "speak" English OR Japanese. They might be able to "understand" English or Japanese (or whatever other language they're used to their master speaking).

The day I see a dog speaking Japanese is the day I check myself into the loony bin.