Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hitchcock sale!

Any Hitchcock fans out there? In an attempt to grown my collection of Hitch flicks in the cheapest possible manner, I've ended up with a few doubles that I'm looking to sell.  
The two movies in question are 1950's Stage Fright and 1954's Dial M for Murder. Chances are good that you know as much as I do about Stage Fright, which is to say, nothing. Don't worry, I'm not trying to pawn it off on anyone, it's just that someone goofed and put two copies in my box set (luckily I already own the missing title). I'm sure I'll have glowing reviews for you all soon enough. Dial M is another matter altogether. I can recommend it without reservation as a great movie, even amongst the canon of Hitchcock films. I'm not looking to make a profit off of these, so I'm selling them cheap. Here's the info:

Stage Fright.....................$5.50
Dial M for Murder...........$5.50

$5.50?! Well... not quite. If I can't hand deliver them to you, I will tack on the price of an envelope and postage, but still, pretty dang cheap. And if I can had deliver them to you, it's just $5.50. Contact me if you're interested.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Dave, I'm always interested in Hitchcock films. We'll talk. ;)