Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pics soon, Ninjas now!

For those of you expecting travel pics... well, they're currently making their way from my camera to my computer, but they're not here yet. Soon. Very soon.

What I'm lacking in photos, I'm going to try to make up for in ninjas. Did I mention that before I left for Hungary I had this really crazy weekend where all kinds of people visited me, including a surprise visit from my friend Whitney who was kind enough to tell me buying a Nintendo DS would be a good idea? Probably not, but it happened.

And so the hunt for games was on. New Super Mario Bros.? Sounds great! Mario Kart DS? Excellent! Worms?! Amazing! But there is one game that has become my favorite: N+. Admittedly, I'm not breaking any news. This game has been around (on the web) for a while. I'll spare you the review, but I can't spare you this comparison: this game is the Junior Bacon Cheeseburger of video games - simple, cheap, satisfying, and oh so bacony. But I haven't told you what it's about yet, have I? Well, let me break it down for you.
  • You are a ninja.
  • You love gold.
  • Things are trying to kill you.
Basically, it's not any more complicated than that, which is why I love it. Beauty is, you can try it too.


Side of Jeffrey said...

Thanks for freaking coming back. Geez. Its like you moved to Uranus or something.

Brigham said...

You were right about this one.

Unknown said...

Sweet! I think I'll have to get that one for Lish for Christmas or something. He, too, loves ninjas. Glad you're enjoying the DS! Best thing I've ever convinced you to buy!

Cabeza said...

I have become addicted to the way of the ninja. I only stop playing to keep my fingers from bleeding.