Monday, April 16, 2007

What have I been doing?

Wow. It's been a month. What in the world have I been doing? Well, I'm going to try to sum all of that up here in this post.

First of all, I went here:

Don't know where this is? Maybe this will help:

That's right. Philadelphia. Here's the Washington I saw there:

Since I was in Philly, I decided to see this:

and this:

I thought this was the Quaker Oats guy, but it was Ben Franklin. Makes more sense.

I also enjoyed this:

After seeing all that stuff, I got hungry and decided to eat this. Man, I wish I had another one.

After all that, I won my NCAA bracket. Boo yes! To celebrate I went here:

OK, so it really was for school. But I took some time to see more of this interesting place:

I had the strangest feeling while I was there and decided to meditate on that feeling here:

But, my life hasn't been all peace and serenity. There have been stressful moments such as these:

And of course I've been doing some of this:

You might notice that there is no PS2 in the picture. That's because Mike is playing FIFA. This made me think, perhaps I should get a real one. So, I'm thinking about getting one of these:

I think I like the middle one the most. When I'm not rocking, I've been enjoying this excellent new series:

I highly recommend it.

To show you that I also have been exploring my more refined side, here are a few books that I have been reading:


This one has made me emit several chortles, and more than a dozen guffaws.

Phew! That was a lot. I guess I had better try smaller posts, more often.

1 comment:

Side of Jeffrey said...

And the Scrumpestuous D Returns with vigor!