Wednesday, January 11, 2006

We become our parents

Well folks, if you haven't realized this before, we really do become our parents. Now, I don't necessarily consider this to be a bad thing. I consider it a compliment to be called my father's son. But there is an aspect of this that I find troubling. I have always considered that one of my greatest character traits was my taste in music (which might be troubling in and of itself). I think I have a pretty good handle on what is "good" music and what is "bad" music. But I have also indulged in my share of guilty pleasures (ABBA, Themes from James Bond Movies, the original "Lady Marmalade"). So, I have a new guilty pleasure thanks to my father. When I woke up this morning with "Cracklin' Rosie" stuck in my head (who knows how it got there), I realized that I kind of like Neil Diamond. You don't know how painful it is to admit that, but the truth must be spoken. As a Red Sox fan, I can justify liking "Sweet Caroline," but I don't think there is any way to justify my blasting "Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show" and dancing like a fool. Now don't get me wrong, he isn't nor ever will be my favorite, but sometimes I just can't help myself. Blast you, Mr. Diamond. Blast you.


Anonymous said...

Is that picture of you in the shower?

Scrumpestuous D said...

Nope, in the hall.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little afraid of you in that picture honestly. It looks like you're reading my mind or something... are you??

Scrumpestuous D said...

I wish I was. Especially if you are a girl. It would be helpful. But, since I don't know who you are, I can't read your mind. Bummer

Anonymous said...

I think that's an awesome suit, and I'm glad that you proudly wear it to church to "stick it" to all those white shirt-ites.

Erin said...

You have to admit he has some classics, that you find yourself singing along to, even though I don't consider myself much of a "Mr. Diamond" fan.

Anonymous said...

Yes that's a very hip suit. You can wear it WHEN YOU MOVE TO NEW YORK!!!