Wednesday, January 11, 2006

NewsRadio on the couch

Well, I'm sleeping on the couch tonight (and not doing a very good job of it according to the time stamp). My roomate is sick and having a hard time sleeping, so I'm keeping away. But I am watching one of my favorite shows while I type this. That's right: NewsRadio. I won't regale you with the details of how much I like the show, but what a great cast! Well anyway... here are some of my favorite quotes:

Bill: "How come no one thinks I'm funny?"
Lisa: "How come no one thinks I'm female?"
Bill: "We're misunderstood, I suppose. That's why guys like you and me gotta hang together."

BILL: "Women, can't live with them."
DAVE: Can't live without them?"
BILL: "I don't know about that part... especially when they're sneaking around behind your back.."
JIMMY: "I am a cipher, cipher....wrapped in an enigma, smothered in secret sauce..."

"I did NOT get into this business to make photocopies on just plain white paper... I just didn't."

BILL: (To his cigarettes) These guys are my little friends. They're always there when I need them. My reliable little buddies."
DAVE: "Hey Bill, I'm your friend."
BILL: "Yeah? Where were you last night around 3 AM when I was watching Steel Magnolias and crying my eyes out?"
BILL: "If you ever tell anyone about Steel Magnolias, I'll kill you. It would take a robot not to cry at that movie."

Anyway, hope you enjoy.

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