Monday, January 11, 2010

Out of place Mormon photos

Like many of you, I got my new manual for Priesthood/Relief Society hour yesterday. Also like many of you, I had to teach from it almost every Sunday on my mission and grew to love how straightforward the lessons are. And I'm glad that it got a revision and a face lift, complete with color photos(!). Most of them are great. Two of them kind of made me chuckle. Here's the first:

Taken from a lesson of the Law of Chastity, I suppose this makes sense, if you're married. If you are single, it's basically a big "neener neener nee-ner" to you from all the married folk you know. Also, he probably could have sprung for a rock, since he obviously didn't on the flowers. And now, the second picture:
This is going to be one depressing lesson. The topic, The Postmortal Spirit World. Let's examine. No dad, three depressed looking children, and a mom - in a wheelchair. Wow. As Mormons, we tend to take a pretty positive look on the life after this one, but this picture is one big downer. Props for getting bow ties into the shot though.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to using this manual for the next few, since it's a really great way to get down to the basics. And the occasional chuckle over a seemingly out of place photo ain't so bad either.


Kimberly said...

Whitney and I were kind of joking about the photos in the manual yesterday. We were talking about how awkward those photo shoots must be..."now, you are really depressed. We want tears!"

Logan said...

While I love the new pictures, I already miss some of the old black & white pictures. Remember the one with the boy crying in the bishop's office?

Cabeza said...

Man, that wheelchair is the real kicker.

One thing I'll say for the new manual: the people in the photos are much more multicultural now. Mormons: We're Not Just White, You Know.

Cindy Bean said...

I admire your positive attitude. I got the manual and I was like, "WHAT??? This is the same friggin' manual they've been using for years in Gospel Principles. What a cop out!"

Side of Jeffrey said...

You think they could have sprung for some more happy pics from getty images or something...