Monday, January 04, 2010

The Black Knight's Castle.

Here's the story of the best Lego castle I've ever built. This the castle of the oppressive Black Knight, who lives in his black room in the black tower of his gray castle.
The castle is very well guarded and oppressive, starting with the dual crossbows that sit atop the highest part of the castle.
There are even internal defenses, including this trap door...
and a concealed catapult.
See? Concealed.
Here's the "dungeon," though no one ends up there very often. The Black Knight takes few prisoners.
There's no moat to speak of, but you can't have a castle without a working drawbridge. Here's the Black Knight now, returning from a hard day of oppressing the serfs.
Every day, the Black Knight spends some time atop his castle looking intimidating, in case the locals get any ideas.
He can even look oppressive from the rear of his castle thanks to the big window he's got installed in his chambers.
Here's the lady of the castle. She's quite the looker, which is just the way the Black Knight likes his ladies.
There's even a castle ghost (no evil castle would be complete without it's ghost)...
who spends most of his days chasing the lady around. Incidentally, this is how she manages to keep her figure, and the Black Knight is duly grateful to the ghost for his services.
This forestman was fortunate enough to have been captured by one of the Knight's men.
This forestman, however...
was not.
In an attempt to exact revenge upon the Black Knight for the death of their fellowman, and for his oppressiveness in general, the remaining forestmen staged a poorly thought out attack on the castle.
Their frontal assault was equally poorly though out, and was quickly repelled by the catapult. Again, See? I tried to warn them.
You can't deny their bravery, however, as the leader of the forestmen fought valiantly with the Black Knight's chief protégé, the Charcoal Knight.
Sadly, this tale does not have a happy ending. The scenes were too gruesome to capture on film. The juxtaposition of so many smiling yellow faces amidst such slaughter, however, is a sight I shall not soon forget. The leader of the forestmen, being more of an archer than a swordsman, fell victim to the more than capable Charcoal Knight, while several of the forestmen were severely wounded by crossbow arrows and large flying rocks. The healthy forestmen saved who they could and fled to their hideout deep in the mystical woods to begin planning of some well thought out plans of revenge. All the while the oppressive laugh of the Black Knight rings out from his black tower and over the forested valley below...

Until next time, folks.


The Shark said...

What I want to know is how you reacted when your parents told you to disassemble the castle and put the legos back in the attic before you returned to NYC.

Scrumpestuous D said...

I'm an adult now, Mookie. I put it away of my own accord.

Cabeza said...

Run away! Run away!

Captcha text: porma. The non-offensive, barley-based alternative to porn.

Unknown said...

Great story. I want a sequel.

Scrumpestuous D said...

I might be working on one. Just depends on a few things...

Side of Jeffrey said...

I can see you and Collin getting together for something amazing with this castle thanks to his stop motion love. I'm serious.

Unknown said...

That would be vastly entertaining