If you haven't guessed already, the list is named for Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, of Pride and Prejudice fame. For anyone who has spent any amount of time around the average Mormon female, you'll know that they have an unhealthy obsession with all things Darcy. I know, I'm generalizing here, but I cannot count the number of times that I've seen a girl go weak at the knees thinking of the man, claiming in some way or another that Mr. Darcy is the paragon of romanticism. Quite frankly, I just don't get it.
And it's not like I haven't tried. No, I haven't read the novel (Have you?). But I have seen the BBC version that seems to be the gateway to this obsession. And though I enjoyed it, I quite think that the appeal of Mr. Darcy lies somewhere between his £10,000/year income and Colin Firth's wet shirt. I know, I know. I'm going to hear about that one. I'm prepared. I've even tried pretending that I don't have a Y chromosome, but even then, I can't be sure why he resonates with so many girls I've met. The only things that I can be sure of are: 1) no matter what any female says, were I to act like Darcy, I'd be dropped faster than it would take to explain my good intentions and 2) with the wild popularity of all the versions of this story out there (the BBC adaptation, the 2005 adaptation, the LDS adaptation, pretty much Bridget Jones' Diary, etc.), I'm convinced that you could turn a profit on a version with 2 turds cast as the leads. And it's that conviction, misplaced as it may be, that is at the root of me creating this list.
So, what else is on the list? Here are a few items:
- Wicked - Saw it and enjoyed it. Thanks again Janelle. The final number of the first act was wonderful. But franky, I found the plot got a little preachy for me towards the end and lost me. It was good, but I've seen better. I find myself asking the question: if everyone had the same access to theater that New Yorkers do, would it be as popular as it is? I honestly think it wouldn't.
- Pinkberry - Oh boy. Here's a fun one. It's a nice idea, and the product is tasty, but not tasty enough to drop $6 on it. Also, I feel like a 14-year-old Asian teeny bopper when I walk in. Somehow I don't feel like that when I walk in to Beard Papa.
- Continuing on the dessert trend... cupcakes. Loved them as a kid. Still enjoy them. But I've never had a cupcake that "I'd die for." Probably never will. And I don't care if it's buttercream frosting or sour cream frosting or whatever other kind of frosting it is, I'm going to scrape 2/3 of it off, since they always put way to much of it on. Even though you might have heard me tell you that your favorite bakery's cupcake is "so good," I was lying. As long as they are moist and sweet I can't tell them apart.
- Should I complete the trifecta and mention Rice to Riches? Looks like I already did.
- Hiking the Y. Enjoyable the first time, and that was it.
- Michael Bublé. Talented guy. Nice voice. Sinatra was better.
Very fascinating stuff! It makes me wonder what I'd put on my own Darcy List. Pride and Prejudice would be first though (although the name of the list already implies that it would be huh??)...I've never quite understood the obsession either...
Oh man, Beard Papa. Their cream puffs are my favorite treat of all time. The first time I had one, I had to use all of my willpower not to lick the little bits of cream off the piece of paper. That stuff is heaven. I always mean to get one (or 4) whenever I go to New York but it never quite happens and it makes me soooooo sad.
I'm also a cupcake sceptic and a frosting scrap but... let me take you sometime to Sugar Sweet Sunshine for a pistacchio cupcake and I promise that you, like I, will eat every drop of frosting. And probably lick the lid of the box it came in.
Darcy List additions:
-Josh Groban. There, I said it. His voice is fantastic, I agree. But it's not calling down the angels from Heaven fantastic, and most of his arrangements are too poppy for his voice. I get tired of him in about two minutes.
-Social networking sites. Some people may say I can't make that call since I'm not on Facebook, MySpace, et cetera. But I mean ALL social networking sites. I'm on GoodReads and LinkedIn and a few others, and I'm pretty sure that while they may be a little useful, mostly they're just spitting contests where people try to accumulate as many "friends" as possible.
-Baz Luhrmann. Sure, he's got some cinematographic skill, but his directing style is unbearable. If you gave me a big budget and some stars on their way out of popularity, I too could make a movie with so many edits in it that you feel like you're in a room with a strobe light on constantly.
Gosh, I sound kind of bitter. This Darcy List is a good form of release, though.
One last thing: In defense of Rice to Riches. Sure, it's trendy and overpriced, but rice pudding is delicious, and it's a little surprising to me that it's not more widely available in a ice cream shop-style venue. Along those lines, I've got to give it points for novelty. We often use that word dismissively, but novelty is something that people want, and it usually indicates creativity/originality, so I think we should be a matter of credit. The only other place I know of that serves up rice pudding so well is Pudding on the Rice in Provo. The only real difference between the two places, in fact, is Utah Valley prices versus Manhattan prices.
I may contribute more Darcy List items later if they come to mind...
I love your observations on Darcy -- agreed 100% here!
Along those same lines, my additions to the list:
-The "Twilight" book series. It appeals to the most carnal of LDS female senses (sexual frustration) and isn't even that great of an idea for a story. Come on. However, I do give it props for showing girls that fantastic characters can be human and interesting.
-In-N-Out. Yes, I DO like it, and when I'm swinging through Vegas on my way to So Cal, I'll grab one if I'm hungry. However, there are so many burgers out there that are better. This restaurant does NOT represent the best of what's out there.
-Hip hop music. I like it sometimes, and it can be fun to dance to, but it's not the only danceable music in the world, and for some reason our generation has come to the conclusion that it is, and they pretend that they need overt bass lines in order to find the rhythm in a song. Ridiculous.
I'll come up with more, I'm sure.
Just a note of clarification: the spirit of the Darcy List should be confusion with mild to humorous frustration, rather than the other way around.
Why is it that I find myself agreeing with the boys on their Darcy lists? I general, anything that every female loves...Wicked, Pride & Prejudice (especially A&E film version), Josh Groban, The Notebook, etc...I steer clear of. I mean, I really shouldn't say that I hate these things because all of the above examples I've never really experienced, but why would I really want to.
I guess what I'm saying is that I don't want to be labeled like many females for liking everything that is on every (well most) guys' Darcy list.
I love the "darcy list" idea. brilliant.
as far as Mr. Darcy himself, I spent a long time scratching my noggin on that one, too.
here's another - Jim from the office (the dreaminess thereof).
I love this. I'm totally copying.
-Rachel Hope
Your first mistake was to ever get the cupcake over the banana puddding in any situation, particularly at Magnolias/Buttercup/etc.
You know what's going on my Darcy List?
The Darcy List.
Just kidding, sweet idea, Dave.
I would have to say that I agree with the aforementioned Mr. Darcy, In-N-Out, Twilight, and Michael Buble. All are way overrated and much more popular than they deserve.
My list would also include Barack Obama. With the way he is portrayed and the way people talk about him, you would think that guy was giving out million-dollar bills. It is way too much praise for a guy that barely won half the vote of his own party and just about destroyed the democrats along the way. My favorite part is that he is ‘outraged’ when anyone says anything about his wife even though she is super involved in the campaign. I say either be active in the campaign and take the heat, or stay out and claim immunity.
The other thing on my list is carbon credits. Those of you familiar with history will see that there are striking parallels between the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church and the sale of carbon ‘indulgences’. If someone is so green that they purchase these carbon-sin-enabling credits, why don’t they just stop what they were doing in the first place. For a hypothetical example that would never happen in real life, if you really deserved the Nobel Prize for saving the Earth, why not telecommute to Oslo to receive it instead of flying halfway around the world to receive it. As a special bonus, with the money you save, you could buy even more carbon credits!
I'd date the Darcy from the Mormon version just for his car...
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