Monday, July 31, 2006

D's Top Ten Movies #8 - The Incredibles

This would probably be the most debated movie on my list, if people were actually debating my movie picks. I guess a lot of the reason why I like this movie has to do with my childhood love of comics and superheroes. I still have a decently large collection of comics at my parents house consisting mostly of X-Men, with a heathly dose of Superman, Spider-Man, and Batman thrown in for good measure. Mix with that my love of all things Pixar, and you've got a winner.

The great thing about the Pixar movies is that the stories are just so much fun. Too often I see movies that are just too much about effects, and you would think that with the technology available to them, it would be easy to go all out on a superhero pic and ignore the storyline. Heaven knows that is what happened with X3. Too many half developed plot elements. Yet, for all the technical advantages of animating superheroes, the animators didn't use their talent for big effects, but rather the small ones that add a realistic touch. Just look at the character's hair or skin. It's not easy to make those things look real (if you don't believe me, look at the majority of the computer animated movies out on the market. Shiny spheres and cylinders).

One of the things that I liked the most about this movie is all the time spent showing the characters at home, in more real-life situations. I love the idea of a "retired" hero at home with the kids, and I love how they were portrayed as being pretty much normal people. No dark past, no secret hideout, and no fancy cars (well, mostly). Even the relationships seems pretty much like everyone elses. Problems at home, time with the family and all that. Contrast that with the adventures the family has when they team up, and I begin to get a feeling that I have had since I was a kid. If these seemingly normal people can do it, I might stand a chance too. I want to be a superhero. Now where's that toxic waste...

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