Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Mission accomplished

Folks, I'm really trying to get this blog back on track. And this might not be the post that does it, but since today I achieved a big milestone in my (apparently very underachieving) life, I figured I'd share. I finally found an affordable copy of Condorman on DVD.
Seriously, this was one of my faves as a kid. Oh, it's a real zinger of a movie. The Phantom of the Opera flies around in spandex (well kinda). So it's not a real cinema gem, but when you're 8, that doesn't really matter. Point is, Disney decided to release it in their "just as great as Columbia House" DVD program, and lots of copies are appearing on the web, completely free of the entanglement of monthly automatic shipments. Lucky me.


Brigham said...


How did you do this?

Scrumpestuous D said...


Logan said...

No way! My wife introduced me to this movie about a month ago and I hadn't even heard of it! What a deprived childhood I had...

Scrumpestuous D said...

And that, kids, is why we get married.