Thursday, October 23, 2008

Really? More travel?

I've got to admit it folks, I'm a bit road weary. In the past 5 weeks I've been traveled 30,000 miles and been to Europe twice, California and Africa. I guess I'm a bit of a lightweight, since that doesn't seem like much now that I've written it all down. Either way, I'm happy to stay at home for a while and enjoy the comforts of my own bed and the city I'm growing more comfortable calling home. But here's the rub: I've got a free flight that I have to use up before I head to Seattle for the holidays. It's on JetBlue, which means limited destinations, and there are restrictions, which means it'll be nearly impossible to find a travel partner. Don't get me wrong, I realize that this is a pretty good situation to be stuck in, it's just that the timing is all wrong. The passes are transferable, so I've been thinking about flying someone out here to visit, but I haven't found a good situation yet. Anyone want to come visit me? Anyone want me to visit them?


Lambini said...

The possibilities....hmmm

Side of Jeffrey said...

Come to Chicago!!!! I am done with school on Dec 9th and won't leave for a week to Idaho for vacation...

Or, as another option, fly me to NYC.

Or ignore me. Maybe I am a lost cause?

Jalula said...

The weather in TX is still're always welcome here! You could see the Alamo...